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How to use Knowledge Organisers

Research shows that memorising key information helps learners to do better.  By committing important subject knowledge to long term memory.it frees up working memory so that processing of information is easier when solving complex problems. To help students to commit subject knowledge to memory, we use Knowledge Organisers.


You can use a knowledge organiser in a variety of ways to help your child to learn the key information they need to help them be successful in their work.  Some of the activities you can do with your child could include:


  • Learning spellings of key words
  • Testing them on definitions  - give them a definition and get them to tell you the word.  When this is easy, give them a word and get them to write down or tell you the definition.
  • Recreating diagrams and/or labelling diagrams.  You could even get your child to recreate the whole knowledge organiser by making a blank of the layout and getting them to fill in the information
  • Arranging key information into mindmaps that summarise the topics
  • Making up quizzes and testing each other
  • Read - Say - Cover - Write - Check


With this method:

  1. Read the relevant section of your knowledge organiser. 

  2. Say it out loud (this is important to embed it further).  

  3. Cover the section.

  4. Write out what you can remember.

  5. Check it and correct any mistakes with a different colour pen.