01326 572685

Information for Parents/Carers

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 6,


I just wanted to say how very excited we are to meet our newest recruits at the upcoming transition days. We have 230 students joining us in Year 7 from 20 different primary schools. The feedback we have received from our primary colleagues has been excellent and it feels like this is going to be another really lovely year group joining the College.


I am looking forward to meeting you at one of the transition evenings, Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 June (details to follow). At the evening, I will talk to you about the College, our expectations and what you need to do in preparation. We will also have several staff available to answer any questions you may have.


An Update on Uniform

Since previously contacting you, there has been an update on the uniform requirements for September. I am pleased to inform you that following feedback from students and parents, we will be allowing students to wear a College v-neck jumper (with an embroidered badge logo) instead of a blazer or,  as well as a blazer. The reasons for this are that some students find the blazers uncomfortable, it also provides a cheaper option. In view of this decision, we have not completed the orders that any of you have made (and paid for) as we wanted to give you all the option to change your mind. 


As the Year 6 blazer order has not been made, not all blazers ordered will be available at the transition evenings.  If you have paid for a blazer and you still require it, please contact our Uniform Co-ordinator, Kath Macfarlane on 01326 572685 to reserve one for collection on one of the transition evenings.  If our current stock is insufficient to fulfil the blazer orders on 18 and 19 June the next collection time for orders will be 15 – 19 July between 8.30am and 3.00pm at the North Site reception.


College blazers are currently priced between £25.50 and £27.50 (depending on the size) and College v-neck (knitted) jumpers with an embroidered badge logo will cost as follows:


28/30/32” @ £13.95

34/36/38” @ £14.95

40/42/44” @ £15.65 + VAT


(Approximate size guide: 32” = age 11-12 / 36” = 15-16)


How do I get a refund for my blazer?

If you have made an order for a blazer and you do not require it you will be able to get a full refund.  This can either be done via our Accounts team who will be available on 18 and 19 June at the transition evenings at 6.00pm in the North Site canteen.  Alternatively you can email accounts@helston.tpacademytrust.org.  Please note that it will be necessary to give a full refund as funds cannot be transferred over to purchase another item of uniform; refunds can take up to three days and the monies will be refunded to your original payment method.


How do I order a College v-neck jumper (with embroidered badge logo), a blazer, tie or badge?

If you wish to order any items of  College uniform, this can be done:


i)          Via our College shop here: Helston Community College Shop (parentpay.com) 

ii)         Or via our Uniform Co-ordinator who will be available on the transition evenings in the North Site canteen from 6.00pm. (Orders will be taken but payment should be done on the website or in cash on collection)


Please note that jumper orders will take up to four weeks to be delivered. If you would like a jumper, please request this on the transition evenings at the very latest or order from the website as soon as possible.


How do I know what size will fit my child, or know the quality of the blazer or jumper?

There will be samples available on the transition evenings of the blazer and jumper should you wish to look or try anything on.


I am sorry for any inconvenience this update on uniform may cause, however, I'm sure you agree that having this flexibility of choice will be of benefit.


I look forward to meeting you soon.


Yours sincerely

Alex Lingard


Year 6 Parents/Carers Uniform Collection

(Please note we cannot guarantee that all uniform orders will arrive before the end of term - please keep an eye on the website and facebook for updates on collection dates)

In addition to the transition evenings you are welcome to try on blazers and jumpers for size at North Site Reception Monday - Friday 8.25am - 4.00pm.

To purchase blazers, jumpers, ties and badges (to sew on if sourcing your own blazer), please click here

Please note that the College needs to place orders for blazers and jumpers as soon as possible. With the introduction of the College jumper, not all orders will be able to be fulfilled on the Transition Parents Evenings, 18th and 19th June. We are anticipating that the majority of the blazer orders will be available from 15-19th July. Jumpers have a longer lead time so please order them by Friday 14 June.
Dear Students Parents and Carers,

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Helston Community College and to you joining our thriving school community. You will soon settle into our school routine and we pride ourselves on the warm welcome that new students receive from staff and students.

Do not worry if you feel confused or a little anxious, that is to be expected and you will soon feel confident and part of the school. Once you have arrived, if you need any help, please ask your Form Tutor.

We look forward to you joining the school and wish you every success and happiness during your time with us.

Best wishes

Mr Lingard

Please click here

We have two dining areas, one on each site, where students can purchase food and drink at break and lunchtime. We operate a cashless catering system. Parents need to open a Parent Pay account to upload funds for students to spend. It is advised that any money added to the account is done at least 24 hours in advance of spending. There is a preset limit of £5 daily spend, but this can be altered at parents request. Students can access their catering account at the till with a registered thumb print or a canteen card. Parental permission is required to register a students thumbprint. The price of a set meal is £2.65. Students who have free school meal entitlement (more information here) will have this added to the cashless catering system each day to access at the till. Students who bring a packed lunch can eat in the dining area, hall or eat outside if the weather is fine. Students are encouraged to keep well hydrated and to bring in a water bottle each day. There are water fountains available around the college for use at break and lunchtime. Please note we do not permit fizzy drinks or energy drinks.


• Talk about what your child has been learning in college.

• Asking your child questions about “how”, “why” and ask them to teach you what they have learnt.

• Challenge ideas and encourage your child to think about how their learning links to things in the ‘real world’.

• Create opportunities for your child to find out how other people learn and ways that they remember things.

• Provide a quiet area for homework and help your child to manage their time and deadlines.

• Check your child has their equipment, PE kit, books, bag (rucksack) and water bottle each day.

If you have any concerns about your child, the Form Tutor is the first point of contact for parents.

Home Learning is an important part of your child’s learning. All Home Learning will be set on an app called ClassCharts which both parents/carers and students can access to view Home Learning, attendance, Behaviour Points and student timetables.


Please provide Reception with any new details straight away.

Inform your Form Tutor or teacher and ask them to email the Healthcare Champions if it is an emergency. Alternatively, call into their office at break or lunchtime for assistance. If necessary your parents/carers will be contacted.

If you arrive late to school you must go to the Attendance Office where you will be signed in. You should bring a note explaining your lateness. We expect students to be on time every day unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Before you report the item as lost or stolen… Look very carefully near where you last saw the item. Search the corridor and nearby classrooms. Ask the other students if they have seen the item. Tell your form tutor and check in Reception. (Remember to name all your items of clothing and personal belongings).


Students are encouraged to be neat and tidy in their appearance. It is not acceptable for students to wear heavy make-up to school or have dyed or extravagant hairstyles. Large earrings can be hazardous in certain specialist rooms, therefore one pair of studs only are to be worn. No other jewellery or facial piercings are permitted. Chewing gum is not permitted in school. Blazers should be worn to, from and around school. All uniform must be clean and in good order. Full details are on our website here.

The School cannot be responsible for valuable items brought onto the College premises. Many students will have phones. These must be switched off and put in your school bag at all times. For child protection reasons no photos/images/videos should be taken on the school premises. MP3/multi media players should not be brought to school.

Corridors can be busy. We ask all students to:
• Keep to the left
• Walk — don’t run
• Be considerate and careful
• Be quiet and calm
• Use the one-way system
• Students will soon get to know their way around.

It is essential that students attend school. If your child is absent, parents/carers must phone the school and follow the instructions. Parents/carers must telephone the school every day their child is absent. If a student needs to ask for time off school, parents/carers must download a `request for absence’ form from the website or from Reception. Please speak to your Form Tutor if you have any queries. Absence during school term time can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances and we do not authorise term-time holidays. Click here for more information.

1. Be positive about the new start. If your child is worried or concerned, remind them that others are in the same situation. Acknowledge their concerns and reassure them about the support available in school.

2. Take advantage of any opportunities to visit us. Contact us for information and answers if your child has any questions.

3. Ensure that your child has all the equipment, PE kit and school uniform they need, so they don’t start off by worrying about not being prepared.

4. Make full use of the information and support that we offer. Use our website for information and make sure we have your mobile number and email address to keep you updated.

5. Help your child establish good ‘study’ habits early; help them organise their time and check their homework is completed.


Students will need to bring the equipment and books that are needed for each lesson.

Students need:
• School bag (Rucksack style, no tote style bags)
• A blue or black pen(s)
• A ruler
• A pencil
• A pencil sharpener
• A rubber
• Coloured pencils
• A calculator (Casio FX83GTX or FX85GTX preferably)

Please note that students are not allowed tippex in school. Some days, students will need to bring PE kit; please check their timetable which the students will receive in September.

School telephone number: 01326 572685

School website: www.helston.cornwall.sch.uk
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/helstoncommunitycollege
Enquiries email enquiries@helston.tpacademytrust.org

AND FINALLY … It may feel like a big change starting a new school —there are new teachers, different lessons, new buildings to find your way around and new ways of learning and organising yourself. Form Tutors and our staff team will provide excellent support to help our new students settle in and make a flying start. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice and information.