01326 572685

FAO Year 6 Parents/Carers

12th July 2023

Transition – Arrangements for September


We are delighted to confirm that the first day of term for our new Year 7 students will be Wednesday 06 September 2023. Your child will need to come to South Site Reception at 8.40am, where they will be greeted and registered by the Year 7 team.


Your child should arrive wearing full College uniform and bring a school bag containing their pencil case, a reading book, packed lunch (if required) and a bottle of water. They do not need to bring PE kit on their first day. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.


On this day your child will be provided with their timetable, computer logon and canteen pin code. Parent Pay activation letters will be provided in their first week. Until this time, if your child would like to have school dinner, they should bring £2.60 cash to pay at the canteen each day. Those in receipt of free school meals will automatically receive a school dinner.


Please note that although your child starts Helston Community College on Wednesday 06 September 2023, staff will be in College from Monday 04 September 2023, should you wish to contact us (01326 572685 | enquiries@helston.cornwall.sch.uk).