01326 572685

Year 6 Transition Parents' Information Evening

27th June 2022

FAO Year 6 Parents/Carers



A reminder that we will be holding a two-day induction for the Year 6 students who are transferring to the College in September 2022. This will take place on Tuesday 28 June and Wednesday 29 June, between 8.30am and 3.00pm on our South Site campus.


We will also be holding New Parents’ Information Evenings on these dates between 6.00pm and 7.00pm in our North Site Main Hall. We recommend that students who have surnames beginning with the letters A-M attend the evening on Tuesday 28 June, and those N-Z attend on Wednesday 29 June.


Parents/carers can of course attend a different evening if other commitments require them to do so. The evening will consist of a presentation from the Senior Leadership Team, who will introduce the aims and ethos of the College. Cream teas will be served after the presentation. If unable to attend due to availability of childcare, parents/carers will be able to bring their children.


For further details, please visit the ‘Forms’ tab on the transition website, where you will find the letter to parents dated 10/06/2022, which was also emailed to all primary feeder schools for distribution: https://transition.helston.cornwall.sch.uk/